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Dedicated HearBuilder Technical Support Specialists are available via email and toll free phone 1.855.735.0862 (US & Canada) Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST (excludes weekends and inclement weather closures).

Super Duper Publications has a variety of resources and options available to provide the information you need to incorporate HearBuilder into your program.


Quick Start Guide:

The online edition of the HearBuilder Collection includes a Quick Start Guide that provides simple step-by-step instructions to help you set up your account. Simply login to your account and click on the Quick Start Guide to get started.

User Manual:

The HearBuilder Collection online edition includes the complete User Manual accessible directly from your subscription. Log in to your account at, enter your email address and password, and click on “Download User Manual.”

Online webinars:

Super Duper Publications provides free online webinars to districts and school wide subscribers implementing the HearBuilder Collection online edition. For additional information, please contact us.

Site-based training:

For an additional fee, site-based training is available to district and school subscribers. A Super Duper Publications representative will come to your site to assist with program set-up and train educators on integrating the HearBuilder Collection online edition into your academic program.

Ongoing technical support:

Dedicated HearBuilder technical support specialists are available via phone 1.855.735.0862 (US & Canada) 864.288.3536 (local) from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time Monday through Friday.

iPad and Android:

Schools and districts with a HearBuilder Online Subscription can access the iPad and Android apps from the iTunes App Store, Google Play, and the Amazon Appstore.

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